Ghana - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2006, MICS Round 1
Reference ID | DDI-GHA-GSS-MICS-2006-v1.0 |
Year | 2006 |
Country | Ghana |
Producer(s) | Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) - Office of the President |
Sponsor(s) | United Nations Children's Fund - UNICEF - Financial and technical assistance (US) President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief - PEPFAR - Financial and technical assistance Dutch Government - - Financial and technical assistance |
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Created on
Apr 16, 2009
Last modified
Mar 21, 2016
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Data Description
Data File: Women
Content | All women between 15 and 49 years |
Cases | 9785 |
Variable(s) | 558 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: HH1 (Cluster number), HH2 (Household number), LN (Line number) |
Producer | Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) |
Missing Data | Prior to 2008, missing data and not applicable data were left as blank. These values are not differentiated. The current policy is to identify the missing data as follows: -a coded value would be composed of 9s such that the entire length of the field is filled. For example a code of' '999' would be used for a missing field of three characters. -not applicable or skipped variables are left blank |
Processing Checks | All files have been checked for the following: 1. All variables have been clearly defined and labelled 2. All categories (value labels) have been clearly defined 3. All cases have unique identification (no duplicates) 4. The frequencies of expected respondents checked with the actual section and inconsistencies noted. 5. Skip patterns have been verified 6. Structure edits have been performed |
Name | Label | Question | |
CA5 | Child ill with cough in last 2 weeks | CA5. Has (NAME) had an illness with a cough at any time in the last two weeks, that is, since (DAY OF THE WEEK) of the week before last? | |
CA6 | Difficulty breathing during illness with cough | CA6. When (NAME) had an illness with a cough, did he/she breathe faster than usual with short, quick breaths or have difficulty breathing? | |
CA7 | Were the symptoms due to pain in the chest | CA7. Were the symptoms due to a problem in the chest or a blocked nose? | |
CA8 | Sought advice or teatment for illness | CA8. Did you seek advice or treatment for the illness outside the home? | |
CA9A | Place sought care: Govt Hospital | CA9A. From where did you seek care? | |
CA9B | Place sought care: Govt Health centre | CA9B. From where did you seek care? | |
CA9C | Place sought care: Govt Health post | CA9C. From where did you seek care? | |
CA9D | Place sought care: Village health worker | CA9D. From where did you seek care? | |
CA9E | Place sought care: Mobile/outreach clinic | CA9E. From where did you seek care? | |
CA9H | Place sought care: Other public source | CA9H. From where did you seek care? | |
CA9I | Place sought care: Private hospital/clinic | CA9I. From where did you seek care? | |
CA9J | Place sought care: Private physician | CA9J. From where did you seek care? | |
CA9K | Place sought care: Private pharmacy | CA9K. From where did you seek care? | |
CA9L | Place sought care: Mobile clinic | CA9L. From where did you seek care? | |
CA9O | Place sought care: Other private medical | CA9O. From where did you seek care? | |
CA9P | Place sought care: Relative or friend | CA9P. From where did you seek care? | |
CA9Q | Place sought care: Shop | CA9Q. From where did you seek care? | |
CA9R | Place sought care: Traditional practitioner | CA9R. From where did you seek care? | |
CA9S | Place sought care: Drug peddlers | CA9S. From where did you seek care? | |
CA9X | Place sought care: Other | CA9X. From where did you seek care? | |
CA10 | Given medicine to treat this illness | CA10. Was (NAME) given medicine to treat this illness? | |
CA11A | Antibiotic | CA11A. What medicine was (NAME) given? | |
CA11P | Paracetamol/Panadol/Acetaminophen | CA11P. What medicine was (NAME) given? | |
CA11Q | Aspirin | CA11Q. What medicine was (NAME) given? | |
CA11R | Ibupropfen | CA11R. What medicine was (NAME) given? | |
CA11X | Other | CA11X. What medicine was (NAME) given? | |
CA11Z | DK | CA11Z. What medicine was (NAME) given? | |
CA11B | Where did you get the antibiotic | CA11B. Where did you get the antibiotic? | |
CA11C | How much you paid for antibiotic | CA11C. How much did you pay for the antibiotic? | |
CA13 | What was done to dispose of the stools | CA13. The last time (NAME) passed stools, what was done to dispose of the stools? | |
CA14A | Symptoms: Child not able to drink or breastfeed | CA14A. Sometimes children have severe illnesses and should be taken immediately to a health facility. What types of symptoms would cause you to take your child to a health facility right away? | |
CA14B | Symptoms: Child becomes sicker | CA14B. Sometimes children have severe illnesses and should be taken immediately to a health facility. What types of symptoms would cause you to take your child to a health facility right away? | |
CA14C | Symptoms: Child develops a fever | CA14C. Sometimes children have severe illnesses and should be taken immediately to a health facility. What types of symptoms would cause you to take your child to a health facility right away? | |
CA14D | Symptoms: Child has faster breathing | CA14D. Sometimes children have severe illnesses and should be taken immediately to a health facility. What types of symptoms would cause you to take your child to a health facility right away? | |
CA14E | Symptoms: Child has difficult breathing | CA14E. Sometimes children have severe illnesses and should be taken immediately to a health facility. What types of symptoms would cause you to take your child to a health facility right away? | |
CA14F | Symptoms: Child has blood in stool | CA14F. Sometimes children have severe illnesses and should be taken immediately to a health facility. What types of symptoms would cause you to take your child to a health facility right away? | |
CA14G | Symptoms: Child is drinking poorly | CA14G. Sometimes children have severe illnesses and should be taken immediately to a health facility. What types of symptoms would cause you to take your child to a health facility right away? | |
CA14X | Symptoms: Other | CA14X. Sometimes children have severe illnesses and should be taken immediately to a health facility. What types of symptoms would cause you to take your child to a health facility right away? | |
CA14Y | Symptoms: Other | CA14Y. Sometimes children have severe illnesses and should be taken immediately to a health facility. What types of symptoms would cause you to take your child to a health facility right away? | |
CA14Z | Symptoms: Other | CA14Z. Sometimes children have severe illnesses and should be taken immediately to a health facility. What types of symptoms would cause you to take your child to a health facility right away? | |
ML1 | Child ill with fever in last 2 weeks | ML1. In the last two weeks, that is, since (DAY OF THE WEEK) of the week before last, has (NAME) been ill with a fever? | |
ML2 | Child seen at health facility during illness | ML2. Was (NAME) seen at a health facility during this illness? | |
ML3 | Child took medicine prescribed at health facility | ML3. Did (NAME) take a medicine for fever or malaria that was provided or prescribed at the health facility? | |
ML4A | Medicine provided/prescribed: SP/Fansidar | ML4A. What medicine did (NAME) take that was provided or prescribed at the health facility? | |
ML4B | Medicine provided/prescribed: Chloroquine | ML4B. What medicine did (NAME) take that was provided or prescribed at the health facility? | |
ML4C | Medicine provided/prescribed: Amodiaquine | ML4C. What medicine did (NAME) take that was provided or prescribed at the health facility? | |
ML4D | Medicine provided/prescribed: Quinine | ML4D. What medicine did (NAME) take that was provided or prescribed at the health facility? | |
ML4E | Medicine provided/prescribed: Artemisinin-based combinations | ML4E. What medicine did (NAME) take that was provided or prescribed at the health facility? | |
ML4H | Medicine provided/prescribed: Other anti-malaria | ML4H. What medicine did (NAME) take that was provided or prescribed at the health facility? | |
ML4P | Medicine provided/prescribed: Paracetamol/Panadol/Acetaminop | ML4P. What medicine did (NAME) take that was provided or prescribed at the health facility? | |
ML4Q | Medicine provided/prescribed: Aspirin | ML4Q. What medicine did (NAME) take that was provided or prescribed at the health facility? | |
ML4R | Medicine provided/prescribed: Ibuprofen | ML4R. What medicine did (NAME) take that was provided or prescribed at the health facility? | |
ML4X | Medicine provided/prescribed: Other | ML4X. What medicine did (NAME) take that was provided or prescribed at the health facility? | |
ML4Z | Medicine provided/prescribed: DK | ML4Z. What medicine did (NAME) take that was provided or prescribed at the health facility? | |
ML5 | Child given medicine before visiting health facility | ML5. Was (NAME) given medicine for the fever or malaria before being taken to the health facility? | |
ML6 | Child given medicine for malaria or fever during illness | ML6. Was (NAME) given medicine for fever or malaria during this illness? | |
ML7A | Medicine given: SP/Fansidar | ML7A. What medicine was (NAME) given? | |
ML7B | Medicine given: Chloroquine | ML7B. What medicine was (NAME) given? | |
ML7C | Medicine given: Amodiaquine | ML7C. What medicine was (NAME) given? | |
ML7D | Medicine given: Quinine | ML7D. What medicine was (NAME) given? | |
ML7E | Medicine given: Artemisinin-based combinations | ML7E. What medicine was (NAME) given? | |
ML7H | Medicine given: Other anti-malaria | ML7H. What medicine was (NAME) given? | |
ML7P | Medicine given: Paracetamol/Panadol/Acetaminophen | ML7P. What medicine was (NAME) given? | |
ML7Q | Medicine given: Aspirin | ML7Q. What medicine was (NAME) given? | |
ML7R | Medicine given: Ibuprofen | ML7R. What medicine was (NAME) given? | |
ML7X | Medicine given: Other | ML7X. What medicine was (NAME) given? | |
ML7Z | Medicine given: DK | ML7Z. What medicine was (NAME) given? | |
ML9 | Days after fever started took anti-malarial | ML9. How long after the fever started did you take anti-malarial? | |
ML9A | Where did you get the anti malaria | ML9A. Where did you get the (NAME OF ANTIMALARIAL FROM ML4 or ML7)? | |
ML9B | How much did you pay for the anti malaria | ML9B. How much did you pay for the (NAME OF ANTI-MALARIAL FROM ML4 or ML7)? | |
ML10 | Child slept under bednet last night | ML10. Did (NAME) sleep under a mosquito net last night? | |
ML11 | Months ago mosquito net obtained | ML11. How long ago did your household obtain the mosquito net? | |
ML12 | Brand of mosquito net | ML12. What brand is this net? | |
ML13 | Mosquito net pre-treated | ML13. When you got that net, was it already treated with an insecticide to kill or repel mosquitoes? | |
ML14 | Mosquito net soaked or dipped since obtained | ML14. Since you got the mosquito net, was it ever soaked or dipped in a liquid to kill/repel mosquitoes or bugs? | |
ML15 | Months ago net soaked or dipped | ML15. How long ago was the net last soaked or dipped? | |
IM1 | Vaccination card for child | IM1. Is there a vaccination card for (NAME)? | |
IM2D | Day of BCG immunization | IM2D. DAY OF BCG IMMUNIZATION | |
IM2M | Month of BCG immunization | IM2M. MONTH OF BCG IMMUNIZATION | |
IM2Y | Year of BCG immunization | IM2Y. YEAR OF BCG IMMUNIZATION | |
IM3AD | Day of OPV0 immunization | IM3AD. DAY OF OPVO IMMUNIZATION | |
IM3AM | Month of OPV0 immunization | IM3AM. MONTH OF OPVO IMMUNIZATION | |
IM3AY | Year of OPV0 immunization | IM3AY. YEAR OF OPVO IMMUNIZATION | |
IM3BD | Day of OPV1 immunization | IM33D. DAY OF OPVO1 IMMUNIZATION | |
IM3BM | Month of OPV1 immunization | IM3BM. MONTH OF OPVO1 IMMUNIZATION | |
IM3BY | Year of OPV1 immunization | IM3BY. YEAR OF OPVO1 IMMUNIZATION | |
IM3CD | Day of OPV2 immunization | IM3CD. DAY OF OPV2 IMMUNIZATION | |
IM3CM | Month of OPV2 immunization | IM3CM. MONTH OF OPV2 IMMUNIZATION | |
IM3CY | Year of OPV2 immunization | IM3CY. YEAR OF OPV2 IMMUNIZATION | |
IM3DD | Day of OPV3 immunization | IM3DD. DAY OF OPV3 IMMUNIZATION | |
IM3DM | Month of OPV3 immunization | IM3DM. MONTH OF OPV3 IMMUNIZATION | |
IM3DY | Year of OPV3 immunization | IM3DY. YEAR OF OPV3 IMMUNIZATION | |
IM4AD | Day of DPT1 immunization | IM4AD. DAY OF DDT1 IMMUNIZATION | |
IM4AM | Month of DPT1 immunization | IM4AM. MONTH OF DDT1 IMMUNIZATION | |
IM4AY | Year of DPT1 immunization | IM4AY. YEAR OF DDT1 IMMUNIZATION | |
IM4BD | Day of DPT2 immunization | IM4BD. DAY OF DDT2 IMMUNIZATION | |
IM4BM | Month of DPT2 immunization | IM4BM. MONTH OF DDT2 IMMUNIZATION | |
IM4BY | Year of DPT2 immunization | IM4BY. YEAR OF DDT2 IMMUNIZATION | |
IM4CD | Day of DPT3 immunization | IM4CD. DAY OF DDT3 IMMUNIZATION | |
IM4CM | Month of DPT3 immunization | IM4CM. MONTH OF DDT3 IMMUNIZATION | |
Total variable(s):
558 |